Packaging and deployment


This plugin is using the qgis-plugin-ci tool to perform packaging operations.
The package command is performing a git archive run based on changelog.

# package a specific version
qgis-plugin-ci package 1.3.1
# package latest version
qgis-plugin-ci package latest

Release a version

Everything is done through the continuous deployment:

  1. Add the new version to the You can write it manually or use the auto-generated release notes by Github:

    1. Go to project’s releases and click on Draft a new release

    2. In Choose a tag, enter the new tag

    3. Click on Generate release notes

    4. Copy/paste the generated text from ## What's changed until the line before **Full changelog**:... in the replacing What's changed with the tag and the publication date

  2. Change the version number in metadata.txt

  3. Apply a git tag with the relevant version: git tag -a 0.3.0 {git commit hash} -m "This version rocks!"

  4. Push tag to main branch: git push origin 0.3.0